Home மருத்துவம் AstraZeneca withdraws Covid vaccines worldwide

AstraZeneca withdraws Covid vaccines worldwide

Corona virus all over the worldSsh Withdrawal of vaccines, AstraZeneca announced Tuesday. Just weeks after admitting its Covid vaccine could cause rare side effects It has arrived.

The Telegraph According to the report of, The vaccine is being removed from the market for commercial reasons AstraZeneca Said.

Updated vaccines against new types of coronaviruses are increasingly on the market. Thus VAXZERVIA A vaccine is not manufactured or administered.

After the company voluntarily withdrew its “marketing authorization”., The vaccine can no longer be used in the EU.  To withdraw the vaccine application March this year 5 Dated and came into effect from Tuesday.

Developed at Oxford University, Covid-19 Vaccination against TTS (Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome) including death and serious injuryalso, It can cause blood clots and low blood platelet counts in peopleAs a sacrifice A lawsuit has been filed against the pharmaceutical company.

However, AstraZeneca’s decision to withdraw the vaccine was not linked to the court case. The company said it was purely coincidental.

2020 Corona virus in Spread After, AstraZeneca, In association with Oxford University AZD1222 developed a vaccine.

India and other low and middle income countries, It’s called “Cowshield”., Serum Institute of India (SII) Licensed by the University and the Swedish-British pharmaceutical manufacturerwith Prepared and delivered.

RareReport of side effects

In a legal document filed by AstraZeneca in the High Court in February, Its covid vaccine is “in very rare casesTTS admits that it will cause

And that the vaccine is “defective.”, Advocates also argued that its effectiveness was overstated. AstraZeneca this Accusations Strongly deniedTh.

So far 51 Cases have been filed in the High Court, Victims and will be in distress Relatives 100 They are seeking millions of pounds worth of damages.

A law firm that brings legal claims Leigh DaySarah Moore, partner of said,  eIn this environment, RegrettablyAZ, The government and their lawyers are theirs AZ Rather than actively engaging with the devastating impact the vaccine has had on our clients’ lives, Seems more interested in playing strategy games and paying legal feessaid.

For this In response, AstraZenecaOur sympathies to anyone who has lost loved ones or is reporting health issues. Patient safety is our highest priority, And regulatory authorities have clear and strict standards to ensure the safe use of all medicines, including vaccines”, said.

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