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Can you eat a whole lemon? Experts explain about the new trend

The latest viral trend taking over social media is a favorite among fruit lovers. ‘Lemon SnackLet’s know about the health benefits and harms of this trend.

The Italian company ‘Lemon Snack’ is famous for its small lemons, which are less acidic and have edible skins. An antioxidant-rich snack, especially cultivated for direct consumption.

When TikToker tried this lemon in a German store, it caught the attention of netizens. Because of its exotic nature and not universally available, people started using regular lemons instead.

“Lemons are actually a fantastic choice for a healthy snack, especially known for their high vitamin C content. They help the immune system, promote collagen synthesis for healthy skin, and iron. It also plays an important role in helping absorption,” says Guru Prasad Das, senior dietitian at CARE Hospital, Bhubaneswar.

Further, In lemon in Flavonoids such as Antioxidants powerful Inflammation Resistance characteristics provide, heart disease And Some Cancers such as Chronic of diseases risk reduce,” that He says.

People Full Lemon And the fruit, skin And with skin along with can eat ? that When asked,Dr Das sayswith flesh Compared to on the skin more Size Fiber, vitamin C And Various Phyto Chemicals There are. This compounds Digestive Health support And Blood Sugar size are controlling.

Some Cooking Traditions Lemon the skin, of the skin External Stack including, Sweets First Delicious foods hollowed out. Bitter taste And hard system due to, Full Skin too Skin too The only one in session Consuming For everyone Deliciously There won’t be.

Protection As for, Small scale Lemon skin And the skin eating Generally Most to the people Safely considered. However, Cultivation And of transport when will be used Pesticides Or Wax coatings included surface impurities remove Lemon Well done to be washed Confident doing Importantthat Dr Das says.

However,, Citrus For fruits Sensitivity Or Allergies in Members Lemon skin And the skin When consumed Be careful to be want, Because They are negative consequences to meet will happen He also said.

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