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Complaint of malpractices in TNPSC Group 4 Exam; Ramadoss urges re-examination

Ramadoss, the founder of the Patali Makkal Party, said that there is a need for a thorough investigation into the complaints of malpractices in the TNPSC Group 4 examinations.

The TNPSC Group 4 examination was held across Tamil Nadu on Sunday (June 9). 20 lakh people applied for 6344 posts. Out of which 15.8 lakh people appeared for the exam. TNPSC informed that the result of this group 4 exam will be published next year.

In this situation, there have been complaints of large-scale irregularities in the Group 4 examination. Therefore, the BMC founder Ramadoss has issued a statement that the examination should be canceled and a re-examination should be conducted.

In this regard, Ramadoss has said in a statement; An inquiry into the malpractices in TNPSC Module 4 Exams is needed!

There have been allegations of massive malpractices across the state in the competitive examinations for the fourth batch of jobs conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission. The negligence and irresponsibility of the examination hall officials in this examination which can decide the future of more than 15 lakhs is reprehensible.

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission conducted competitive examinations on June 9 to fill the vacant fourth batch of posts in the Tamil Nadu government departments. 7247 examination centers and more than 40 thousand examination halls were set up across Tamil Nadu for this competitive examination to select a total of 6244 candidates. More than 20 lakh candidates applied for this exam and more than 15 lakh candidates participated in the written test.

Those who appear as invigilators for the competitive examinations for block 4 jobs do not know anything about the examination procedures. That caused a lot of confusion. TNPSC has announced that the written exam will be held for 3 hours from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and candidates should reach the exam halls one hour before to facilitate it. The answer sheet should be issued at exactly 9.00 am; At 9.15 the question paper pack was issued and the pages in it are correct? After checking, the question paper number should be mentioned in the answer sheet. After that candidates should start writing the answers from 9.30 AM exactly.

But in many centers, the hall invigilators reached the hall only after 9.15 am. Subsequently, they have issued the answer sheets and question papers very late. Some halls have given question papers only after 10 am. Due to this, tens of thousands of candidates could not write the exam properly. Many people could not decide on the correct answer and chose the wrong answer because they had to write the answer in less time than allowed.

Similarly, after the time for writing the answers ends at 12.30 pm, from 12.30 pm to 12.45 pm, the details of how many questions have chosen option A and how many questions have chosen option B should be recorded column wise in two places on the first page of the answer sheet. But the invigilators have made it mandatory that these tasks should be done 15 minutes before the end of the exam time and that these tasks should be completed by 12.30 pm.

Apart from that, on the first page of the answer sheet, the candidate’s fingerprint should be recorded in one place and signature in another place; Superintendent must sign at both places. These tasks should also be done only after the exam time. But the invigilators have pressed to do these tasks during the exam time itself. Due to this, the examinees have become distracted and distressed. Also the delay in issuing the answer sheet and question paper, forcing the post-examination tasks to be done prematurely has resulted in a time loss of 15 minutes to 45 minutes for each candidate. This has taken a heavy toll.

As far as Tamil Nadu is concerned, the largest exam conducted by the Public Service Commission is the Block 4 exam. More than 50 thousand employees are engaged to conduct this exam. Their lack of thorough training is the reason for the confusion. While in some places candidates were given full 3 hours to answer, in majority of places the candidates lost up to 25% time. It is equal opportunity for all; It is against the principle of equality.

The Government Staff Selection Commission should have planned and made preparations to conduct the examination in which 15 lakh people will participate across Tamil Nadu. What are the tasks to be done before writing the exam? What are the tasks to be done after writing? The details are given on the second page of the answer sheet under the heading Instructions to Candidates. Even though the examiners pointed it out, the invigilators did not care. That is how they are trained. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission should take full responsibility for these irregularities.

TNPSC should order the Tamil Nadu government to conduct a thorough investigation into the malpractices in the 4th batch examinations. With a view to providing equal opportunity to all the candidates, the government should order the examination board to cancel the examination held on June 9 and conduct a re-examination in full compliance with the rules. This is stated in the report.

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