Home ஆன்மீகம் Do you know when is the holy Vishnupati period that will boost...

Do you know when is the holy Vishnupati period that will boost your economy?

Vishnupati holy period– Specials of Vishnupati Punnya period can also be seen in this article about the date of this year.

What is the holy period of Vishnupati?

As much as Ekadasi is special to Vishnu, this Vishnupati holy period is also a special auspicious day. This auspicious period comes on the first day of the birth of a few Tamil months. It is a holy period that comes only once in three months.

This happens four times a year. On the first day of Masi, the first day of Vaikasi, the first day of Avani, and the first day of Karthika, Vishnupati Punnya period comes on these days.

Abhishekam, Aradhana and Pujas performed at this time have many times power. According to the scriptures, performing this Vishnupati punya period is equivalent to performing many Ekadasi fasts.

This holy period has remained a secret not known to many. People who know this are still using this time and benefiting from it.

When is the second holy period for this year?

One Vaikasi is coming on Tuesday 14th May 2024. Starts at 1:30 am and ends at 10:30 am Don’t miss this special time.


During this Vishnupati Punnya period one should go to Perumal temple and crawl the vine tree there 27 times.Every time one crawls 27 flowers should be placed. While circling the vine tree, it should be circling along with the sanctum sanctorum.

You should reach the temple by 10:30 am. Also, when you come home, you should buy turmeric and rock salt and keep it in the puja room after performing puja and use it.


There will be an increase in the economy if the four Vishnupati Punnyas are performed continuously in the year. Poverty will be eradicated. You will have a prosperous life.

So don’t miss this wonderful day when Lord Vishnu’s grace and mercy can be abundant and complete during this holy season of Vishnupati.

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