Coimbatore, Coimbatore District, Mettupalayam Railway Station, Nilgiri Hill Train is operated daily at 7.10 am to Utkai.
Propulsion by steam engine
Only a few places in the world are still operated by steam engine-powered trains, and this Nilgiri hill train that runs from Mettupalayam to Uthakai is one of them.
Tourists usually come
Adding to its pride, this mountain railway has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Tourists come from not only the country but also from various foreign countries to enjoy the natural beauty of the Nilgiris while traveling on this century-old mountain train.
German Air Force Officers
In this case, today the German air force officers enjoyed traveling with interest in this Nilgiri mountain train which has been running unchanged for centuries.
Exhibition related to mountain railways
A group of 15 high-ranking military officers headed by German Air Chief Lt. Gen. Info Gerhartz, who had come to participate in the International Military Seminar and Training Camp in Coimbatore district, arrived today at 6 a.m. at Mettupalayam railway station to discuss the issue of the mountain train. Enjoyed the exhibition.
Later, they sat in a separate compartment reserved for them by the railway department and traveled in the mountain train along with other tourists. The officers will travel to the Indian Army Camp in Wellington, Coonoor, traveling through the scenic steep mountain road up to the Coonoor railway station.