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If you have these 9 habits, you can get kidney damage at the age of 30! Don’t do it anymore!


Dehydration can have a devastating effect on the body in every way.

When there is not enough water in the body, not only the body becomes dry and hot, but it also directly affects the kidneys.

Kidney function depends on the amount of water in the body. Its main job is to treat liquid wastes.

When there is a lack of water, kidney stones start forming and it leads to various kidney diseases.

Sodium intake

The more you reduce the amount of salt in your diet, the better it is for your health.

There are two things that cause more harm and direct harm when you take too much sodium.

One is the increase in blood pressure. Next directly affects the kidneys. Excess salt increases blood pressure and consequently affects urinary function. As a result, the kidneys may not be able to clear urine and other wastes.

Controlling blood pressure

Keeping blood pressure under control is essential not only for heart health but also for kidney and liver health.

High blood pressure also puts pressure on the blood vessels leading to the kidneys. It affects kidney function very badly. So try to keep blood pressure under control through proper diet, adequate exercise and healthy lifestyle.

Excessive alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can affect kidney function.
Alcohol has diuretic properties. It causes dehydration in the body. Dehydration can cause kidney strain.

Alcohol consumption should be reduced. Consuming in moderation can protect kidney health. It is better to avoid it completely if possible.


Smoking can harm the entire body. Especially the risk of cancer

We generally think that smoking only causes lung cancer. But smoking is said to be the most important cause of kidney cancer.

Smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict, preventing proper blood flow to the kidneys. It also causes kidney failure.

Poor diet

A healthy diet is important for people of all ages. It is wrong to think that you can eat whatever you want at a young age.

If the diet is not right, you will face many dangers at a young age.

Processed foods, sugary drinks, and high-fat foods should be completely avoided. These can severely affect kidney function.

Foods rich in vegetables, proteins, minerals and vitamins, especially vegetables, greens and fruits, nuts and whole grains should be included in the diet. It should be a ballasted diet.

Lack of exercise

Many people have misconceptions about exercise.

People who eat a lot, people who want to keep their body fit, diabetics, obese people, people who want to lose weight should exercise. We think others don’t need exercise. It is very important.

Exercise is essential for everyone. Exercising is very important for maintaining balance from body parts to muscle movements.

If you do not exercise daily, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. may occur. All these are things that affect the kidneys to a great extent. Not maintaining a healthy weight is particularly dangerous.

High animal protein intake

Protein is one of the most essential nutrients our body needs. But the mistake we make when it comes to getting more protein is to get protein only from meat.

Eating too much animal protein can affect the kidneys.

Eating too much non-vegetarian food puts more pressure on the kidneys. This can lead to kidney damage and other kidney disease.

Proteins should also be obtained through plant-based soy, pulses, pulses, nuts, paneer, vegetables and fruits.

That would be a balanced diet. Reduces kidney pressure. Perhaps if you are a vegetarian, it is better to have your kidneys checked at least once a year.

Bladder infection

Many people get bladder infections. This problem is especially high for women. But let’s leave it as something normal.

Bladder infections should not be left alone. These types of yeast infections often affect kidney function. Over time it can cause kidney damage.

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