Home ஆரோக்கியம் Prostate cancer.. At what age.. Who is at risk.. What are the...

Prostate cancer.. At what age.. Who is at risk.. What are the main symptoms.. Expert explanation..!

What is ovarian cancer?

​Ovarian cancer Or prostate cancer is the small egg-producing organ on either side of the cervix. Cancer in this location can be difficult to detect. Because symptoms are often not known until they are severe. People with this vulnerability come in stage 3 or 4 only. That is why it needs more awareness.

Ovarian cancer is more common in women of which age?

It can affect anyone from baby girls to postmenopausal women. Anyone from a 9-year-old girl to a 99-year-old girl can come. Cancer cannot prevent this process. It cannot be prevented especially at a young age. But it can be cured by early detection and treatment with proper screening after a certain age.

Are there symptoms of prostate cancer?

Often these do not cause symptoms until they are severe. Often it can be diagnosed only when accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the pelvis or abdomen, stomach discomfort or saltiness, acidity, indigestion. Because ovarian cancer can be diagnosed only when it is 10-20 cm in size.

Because there is room in the abdomen for the ovary to grow, there are often no symptoms. If this is uterine cancer, there will be bleeding. But in ovarian cancer, no symptoms are seen until they become enlarged. After enlargement, symptoms such as stomach acid and acidity appear only when they press on the intestines.

What to do to detect prostate cancer early?

Prostate cancer is easier to treat with early detection. So it can be diagnosed early by doing an ultrasound scan once a year above the age of 35.

Check the condition of the ovary and whether it is damaged in the scan and consult a specialist accordingly. After that the specialist will recommend some tests. If they are at risk of prostate cancer, appropriate treatment will be given.

Is there a cure for prostate cancer?


Prostate cancer is 100% curable if detected early. When the second or third stage occurs, treatment can be challenging. Rarely before early marriage vagina Don’t worry if you are diagnosed with cancer.

Treatment is not fully effective in women after 50 years of age. It can be treated very well at a young age. Also, since there are two ovaries, even if one is removed, you can conceive naturally through the other. So women should always pay attention to their health.

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