Home Tamil Cinema News Take it inside the jacket.. How to adjust it.. Interview with actress...

Take it inside the jacket.. How to adjust it.. Interview with actress Divya Bagheer..!

It is common for actresses acting in the screen world to be subjected to various kinds of scandals. In that way, actress Divya is now revealing her affair to the outside world.

Not only is this matter now going viral on the internet, many people are voicing in his support that there is justice in his post.

Actress Divya..

In general, while many celebrities may have openly stated that they have to make adjustments even though they have to continue to get opportunities to stay in the screen world, there is something that actress Divya is talking about.

In that way, one time when he was changing his clothes at the shooting spot, he felt like slapping him as if he was putting his hand on top of his jacket saying, “This jacket is not for you.”

And why are they rubbing the cup on the angel jacket? He spoke crudely and behaved in an obnoxious manner as to whether you have it or not. Not only that but this blouse has a small amount of it. Is it the same for you? he asked.

Just like this, the text and whatsapp messages that I get keep coming up with various kinds of frowning things like ena bondati nee chapdia.

They keep sending wrong messages like can we kiss there and can we kiss here. And if I speak out about this or talk about that person I don’t get shooting money.

Take it from the jacket..

In a recent interview, actress Divya has said that this is not enough and that she is sending false photos and videos and speaking without conscience.

Also they are taking my photos from social media pages and making me look like I am in unwanted situations. Even the police found this to be untrue.

How much to adjust..

No matter how many adjustments were made, everyone continued to torture them with such things. It was understood that it was a person from Kodaikanal.

After seeing the interview of actress Divya, who said that she was exposed to various thoughts, everyone got to it.