Petrol and Diesel Price: Petrol in Chennai, There is no change in diesel prices. Today, one liter of petrol in Chennai costs Rs.100.75 In coins too, Diesel price per liter is Rs. 92.34 Also sold in cash.
3In the Lok Sabha elections 64.40% Record votesWu
3In the Lok Sabha elections 64.40% The Election Commission said that the votes have been registered reported.
State wise details
Assam – 75.26 percent
Bihar – 56.55 percent
Chhattisgarh 66.99 percent
Dadra, Dieu and Damon – 65.23 percent
Goa – 74.27 percent
Gujarat – 56.76 percent
Karnataka – 67.76 percent
Madhya Pradesh – 63.09 percent
Maharashtra – 54.77 percent
Uttar Pradesh – 57.34 percent
West Bengal – 73.93 percent
In comparison to the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the current election saw a 5% less voter turnout.