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The actress who was squeezed by the storm actor.. again in the farm house.. Oh cruel..!

In this post, you can read in detail about the situation in which the stormy actor squeezed the actress, who was in trouble because she was burdened by the debt taken by the people.

News is spreading throughout the film industry circles that the situation of the actress who wanted to live luxuriously by borrowing more than her income, is now in trouble.

Actress beaten by storm actor..

in that respect The Water Bed actress who is a popular actress who was swindled by the storm actor was recently making allegations against the storm actor.

But no matter how big the accusation is against him, the stormy actor is passing by without realizing it.

The biggest scandal that has happened now is that the Water Bed actress who was making slander and false complaints against the Puyal actor a few months ago has now taken refuge in the Puyal actor.

The actress who was squeezed by the storm actor.. again in the farm house.. Oh cruel..!-oneindia news

The point is that the Waterbed actress has taken refuge with the storm actor in a situation where a property that she bought with desire leaves her hands.

Also, the actress who had borrowed a few crores from the bank on the property of the Water Bed actress has now become a villain.

Pumpkin in the farm house..

Even though she has repaid almost 80% of the loans, the fact that 20% has grown and remains half is giving the actress great embarrassment. Also, there are no film opportunities at present.

Therefore, the actress has been struggling to pay off her debt as she has no way to declare her income. And he has decided to sell some of his properties in God’s Land, his hometown, and thereby save this property.

But they are putting pressure on the actresses that they cannot give time from the bank side.

So his property is in a prime location in the capital city and many key points are willing to auction it somehow.

And because of this pressure on the bank, Ammani is left with no other option.

Oh horrible.. what is this call..

The actress has asked for at least one year’s time as she cannot sell her other properties at present.

But the key points keeping an eye on the actress’s property are putting pressure from the bank and trying to somehow take it away from the actress.

The actress who was squeezed by the storm actor.. again in the farm house.. Oh cruel..!-oneindia news

After learning about this matter, the Water Bed actress had no other choice but to take refuge with the storm actor who had complained about it.

Also I need the actress who has apologized for what happened and has a big contact right now.

Puyal has taken refuge with the actor saying that only with your support can I save my property.

In the same way, Puyal actor also approached the bank through the contacts of the adults he knew without showing any malice towards the actress and got a one-year grace period for the actress.

The actress who was squeezed by the storm actor.. again in the farm house.. Oh cruel..!-oneindia news

As a result of this, Ammani once again put a pot on the farm house and said goodbye to work.

And even though she is a Water Bed actress who has complained against her, many people are surprised that the storm actor is there to help her in difficult times.

The post The actress who was squeezed by the stormy actor.. is back in the farm house.. Oh cruel..! oneindias.com | cinema News.