Home Tamil Cinema News The information given by Shakeela.. Bailwan Ranganathan got engaged to his daughter..!...

The information given by Shakeela.. Bailwan Ranganathan got engaged to his daughter..! Look who Mabla is..!

Being a journalist in Kollywood for many years, he criticizes various actors and actresses and always gets caught with his mouth in a way that creates a sensation on the internet.

And he will shock everyone by revealing the personal life secrets of many actors and actresses. In that way, his speech after his daughter’s engagement has gone viral.

Bailwan’s daughter got engaged..

The netizens who are on the internet listening to Bailwan’s speech are now raging against him. And lately it has been said that his words could shoot anyone.

A few weeks ago, an interview involving the actor and actress Shakeela created a mini tsunami on the internet. In this situation, many actresses have been talked about and did not accept her daughter as a lesbian.

In this situation, after saying that her daughter is a lesbian, actress Shakeela not only grilled her, but also asked her various questions in order to make her white.

Information given by Shakeela..

After this, you may remember that actress Shakeela got angry and said, “Don’t talk like this, Bailwan, your tongue will rot.” Not only that, famous singer Suchitra also spread some defamatory news about Bailwan.

And in this case, the daughter of Bailwan Ranganathan, who was said to be a lesbian, got engaged at his house. The official photos of this have surfaced on the internet and have created a surprise.

Do you know who Mabla is?

The reason for this is that while it was already said that Bailwan’s daughter was in love with a woman, now photos have surfaced on the internet to confirm that she is engaged to a man.

Following this, this matter has now gone viral on the internet and has become a talking point among fans.

The information given by Shakeela.. Bailwan Ranganathan got engaged to his daughter..!  Look who Mabla is..!-oneindia news

And some fans are saying that she might have published the engagement photos of her daughter to declare that the information said by Shakila was false.

Some fans are saying that it is better not to pry into other people’s personal lives anymore and have asked if it is a bad thing to interfere in other people’s lives.

Now this topic is not only being shared by all the fans to their friends but it has also become the most read topic on the internet.

The post Information given by Shakeela.. Bailwan Ranganathan got engaged to his daughter..! Look who Mabla is..! oneindias.com | cinema News.

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