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These 5 things are the reason for the breaking of water that induces premature labor.. Ladies beware..!

When does premature rupture of membranes occur?

In pregnancy, this indicates a medical emergency. It can occur at any time during a woman’s pregnancy, but cannot be predicted in advance. Even today, the medical world is engaged in research on this.

For most women, if the placenta breaks before the due date after the 37th week of pregnancy, it is called PROM.
Usually this PROM occurs within 24 hours of the mother Childbirth will happen.
This is called PPROM if the water breaks before the 37th week of pregnancy. When this condition occurs, the mother and the unborn child should be taken to the hospital immediately to save their lives. Let’s see why this happens

Is it dangerous if there is too much liquid in the ice?

An excess of amniotic fluid surrounding the placenta is a medical condition called polyhydramnios.
When this condition occurs, the amniotic sac expands beyond its limits. And as the baby’s weight increases, the iceberg breaks. This is rare. Depletion of glacial water can often be greater.

Can Urinary Tract Infection Cause Cold Water?

A urinary tract infection is referred to as a UTI. UTIs, which affect women more than men, can also pose a risk during pregnancy. When it occurs during pregnancy it becomes severe enough to rupture the placenta. Urinary tract infections travel all the way from the vagina to the cervix, increasing the infection and causing premature rupture of membranes.

Does the vibration of the pregnant body expel the placenta?

Obstetricians generally advise not to engage in high-vibration activities during pregnancy. Especially in the last trimester, pregnant women should avoid any work that puts pressure on the abdomen, such as bumpy road trips, heavy lifting, and frequent bending and upright work.

During such strenuous activities, there is a high chance of vibration and breakage of the ice cube.

Does the uterus containing more than one baby discharge the amniotic fluid prematurely?

Pregnant women carrying more than one child have multiple pregnancy risks. So extreme care is required. Similarly, they are more prone to premature snowmelt. It is common for the placenta to break before the expected due date due to overstretching of the amniotic sac containing many embryos. So always be aware of this.

If a pregnant woman has a habit of smoking, premature birth may occur

Mothers who smoke have a higher risk of premature rupture of membranes.
Smoking can be harmful to health. Smoking during pregnancy can cause many pregnancy complications for both mother and baby. In particular, miscarriage, premature delivery, and restricted fetal growth can occur. It is only safe for pregnant women to avoid such unhealthy habits.

Apart from these, nutritional deficiency, family history, drug addiction etc. also have the risk of premature ice break.

What should be done when the ice water breaks?

A pregnant woman who is 34 weeks pregnant should consult a doctor with ruptured amniotic fluid. For these, the doctor may recommend surgical removal of the baby.

If the pregnant woman is between 24 and 34 weeks pregnant, the doctor will decide whether delivery is necessary or replacement therapy is sufficient depending on the growth of the fetus. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to help prevent infection.
If the water breaks, especially at less than 24 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will perform therapeutic measures to delay the delivery.

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