Home மருத்துவம் These are the 6 signs of a brain tumor!

These are the 6 signs of a brain tumor!

Brain is the most important organ in our body. It is this brain that dictates all our actions and thoughts. A brain tumor is the worst thing ever. If it is not detected early, the symptoms may worsen and lead to worse outcomes. Here are some of its basic symptoms.

Brain Tumors

Early symptoms of brain tumors are very common.

Symptoms like headache, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite are manifested according to their physical condition.

Apart from them the following symptoms are also present.

Visual impairment

Tumors in the brain can affect vision.

Initially the vision starts to appear blurry. Visual impairment depends on the location and size of the tumor.

You will lose your sense of smell

In the same way that a brain tumor can cause a brain tumor to lose its sense of smell, just as the effect of a covid virus infection is to lose the ability to smell food.

You may not be able to properly smell food or objects.


This is one of the main symptoms of a brain tumor. When a brain tumor is present, memory loss may occur gradually.

Your memory loss may make it more difficult to perform daily tasks.

Ability to listen

When tumors develop in the brain, the nerves from the brain to the ear become weakened.

The efficiency of the nerve decreases and the ability to hear begins to decrease. Eventually, hearing problems can occur along with the pain.

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