Home ஆரோக்கியம் Which foods are highly adulterated? How to find it!

Which foods are highly adulterated? How to find it!

Adulteration is the addition of inferior or harmful substances or the removal of essential elements from the food we eat. This food adulteration is done for higher profit and economic purpose, to reduce the cost of food and increase the profit, to attract the attention of consumers through lower price and to increase the quantity of food products.

Eating such adulterated food products can cause many health problems including malnutrition diseases, kidney disorders, allergic reactions, cancer, heart failure, liver damage, infertility, anemia.

Tea, coffee powder

Everyone who wakes up in the morning on an empty stomach drinks tea and coffee. Drinking tea and coffee is not good for health.
Meanwhile, the tea and coffee powders are unhealthy.

Thus, tamarind powder, starch, already used tea leaves, chicory powder, artificial colors are added to tea and coffee powder. These can cause liver damage, diarrhea, dizziness, severe arthritis.

Dairy products

Milk and curd given to infants are also adulterated. Besides mixing water, starch powder, urea, glucose, formalin, soap etc. in cow’s milk, milk is prepared artificially.

Similarly, mashed potatoes, vanaspati and starch powder are mixed in dairy products like butter, ghee, cheese. Consuming such adulterated dairy products can cause gastric cancer and stomach disorders.


Nowadays, natural honey is rare and expensive, so many people have started making honey artificially.

Natural honey is mixed with molasses, dextrose, sugar syrup and corn syrup to increase its volume.

Consuming it regularly can cause digestive problems, stomach ulcers, blood sugar spikes, etc.

Vegetables and fruits

Some vegetables are lush to look at. For this they are sprayed with chemical dyes, malachite green, copper sulphate etc. These will help the vegetables look lush.

Calcium carbide, oxytocin saccharin wax and artificial sweeteners are used to ripen the fruits early and prevent early wilting and to increase the sweet taste of the fruits. These can cause stomach upsets, vomiting, and cancer.


Rhodamine B dye, red lead, sand, salt, water soluble artificial colors, red brick powder, starch, lime powder are added to increase the color and weight of commonly used spices including turmeric powder, coriander powder, chili powder and reduce costs. These can cause tumors, blood pressure, cancer and stomach problems.


Dust, pebbles, stones, straw, weed seeds, chemical dyes, damaged grains etc. are added to dal, sorghum, wheat, sorghum and other grains to increase their weight and make their colors more vibrant.

Eating these on a daily basis can cause liver damage, increased toxicity in the body, cancer, stomach disorders, etc.

Cooking oil

Everyday cooking oils also contain mineral oil, oregano oil, castor oil, vanaspati, animal fats and artificial colors.

Continued consumption can cause gallbladder cancer, allergies, strokes, heart attacks, etc. Also, animal fats increase the bad fats in our body.

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