2 pet dogs bite 5-year-old girl: 3 arrested including owner

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2 pet dogs bite 5-year-old girl: 3 arrested including owner-oneindia news

Chennai: Metropolitan Chennai Municipal Corporation Park is located on the Ayaan Lamp Model School Road in Chennai. Raghu is working as a watchman in this park. He lives in a room in the park with his wife Sonia and 5-year-old daughter Sudaksha. In this situation, last Sunday, Raghu went to Villupuram as one of his relatives died.

Meanwhile, yesterday evening a person named Pugahendi, who lives near the park, came to the park with 2 dogs that he keeps. Sudaksha, a 5-year-old girl who was playing in the park, was suddenly bitten by two dogs. Hearing the child’s cry, mother Sonia ran and tried to save the child. Then he was also bitten by dogs.

It is said that the owner of the dogs was praised and left the dogs there. Bystanders rescued the child who was seriously injured due to dog bites and sent him to Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital. After getting the information, the police investigated the matter and took the owner of the dogs to the police station.

The dogs that bit the child were said to be Rottweilers. Subsequently, the police registered a case against the owner Pugahendi and arrested him. Subsequently, the girl was reportedly shifted from the Rajiv Gandhi Government Hospital to the Thousand Lamps Apollo Children’s Hospital after Pugahendi said that the child would be treated at her own expense.

3 people arrested

In this situation, Chennai Corporation Commissioner Radhakrishnan said that 3 people have been arrested, the owner of the dogs, his wife Thanalakshmi and his son Venkatesan.

In this regard, Chennai Corporation Commissioner Radhakrishnan further said, “The dog’s owner Bhujaendhi, his wife Thanalakshmi and son Venkatesan have been arrested in connection with the dog bite incident. The Rottweiler is one of the 23 breeds of dogs banned by the central government. They have been breeding Rottweiler dogs without any license.

A notice has been sent by the Corporation to the owners of the dogs. Any pet must be licensed. For dogs, all vaccinations are required. The girl needs plastic surgery. All the medical expenses of the girl will be borne by the Chennai Corporation,” he said.