Home இலங்கை செய்திகள் 2,000 modern classrooms and 2,000 desktop computers for 200 schools

2,000 modern classrooms and 2,000 desktop computers for 200 schools

139President Ranil Wickramasinghe said that in order to take the country forward with the new economy, an advanced education system with modern technology is necessary and the educational reforms are currently being carried out in the country.

The President mentioned this while speaking at the event of providing 2,000 modern classrooms and 2,000 desktop computers to 200 schools in the Southern Province as a new chapter in the modernization of education held today (06) at Galle – Hall de Gaulle Hotel.

The scheme was implemented under the allocation of 3,000 lakh rupees (30 crores) received by the Southern Provincial Council following the request made by Minister of Health and Industries Vaidhir Ramesh Patirana to the Government of India.

Out of 200 schools selected for this scheme, 150 schools are located in Galle district and other 50 schools are located in Hambantota and Matara districts.

2,000 deb computers were provided to 200 classrooms at 10 deb computers per classroom.

As a token of this, President Ranil Wickremesinghe presented a memento to Indian High Commissioner Sandush Jha.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe commented further here:

“Nowadays the world is progressing with modern technology. Accordingly, the education system of this country should be conducted with modern technology. The necessary educational reforms have already been implemented by the Ministry.

On that day we introduced many educational policies to the country. Although those educational principles were suitable for those times, today’s technological development necessitates new reforms in the education sector.

Currently, we have taken steps to create artificial intelligence clubs in schools. It has been a few years since countries like the United States and the United Kingdom started teaching artificial intelligence technology. Teachers will need better training to carry forward the artificial intelligence technology program we have launched this year. The government will provide necessary training and infrastructure. Central colleges and national schools should be upgraded as artificial intelligence schools.

The support from neighboring India in advancing with modern technology is highly appreciated. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also expressed his desire to provide an IIT University of Technology to Sri Lanka. Also, negotiations to improve cooperation in the energy sector with India are also going on successfully.

I had a discussion with Elon Musk in Malaysia. His company’s internet technology is expected to be introduced in Sri Lanka after the legislation is passed in Parliament. This will provide technical education to children in remote villages. Today, the Southern Province has become a province that exhibits immense talent in the field of education. Pathekama College, the first Dutch school in Southern Province, has become a national school today.

We have got an opportunity to conquer the world as a country by using modern technology to create a generation suitable for the future,” he said.

Education Minister Kalanithi Sushil Premajayantha:

“The Free Education Act made a difference in Sri Lanka. Accordingly, the literacy rate has increased from 46% to 93%. In today’s technological age, artificial intelligence technology is a must for modern classrooms. Thanks to India for its support.

Today, two hundred schools in the Southern Province have modern classrooms. Owns 2,000 deb computers. In the future, schools will embrace digitization. For that, 1,250 selected schools are now connected through the network. We expect to digitize 10,026 schools in the next three years.

It is planned to train the teachers for this purpose. 93% of university graduates with technical knowledge are employed in the labor market. We should use the opportunity to conquer the world through modern technology,” he said.

Health and Industries Minister Dr. Ramesh Patirana:

“Thank you for the support given by the Government of India to this project. We are currently going through a strong period of this century. Galle-born Education Minister C.W.W. The free education act brought by Kannangara increased school attendance from 52% to 99%.

Increased the number of schools from 3,000 to 10,000. 13 universities were built in place of only one government-owned university till then. The number of children admitted to universities increased from 250 to 45,000 per year. Due to the creation of an educated society, Sri Lanka, which was a laggard during the world’s industrial revolution, began its journey to progress at par with the rest of the world.

In the next century, artificial intelligence, computer intelligence and modern technology will have the opportunity to progress parallel to the world. A modern education system should be developed for it. President Ranil Wickremesinghe is currently carrying out educational reforms with the right vision.

Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Sandush Jha:

As a neighboring country, India has always come forward to support Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka occupies a high place in India’s foreign policy. India will continue to provide necessary facilities and assistance to Sri Lanka for technical know-how.

The event was attended by Deputy Speaker Ajith Rajapaksa, Minister of State Mohan Priyadarshana de Silva, Member of Parliament Sampath Athukorala and Southern Province education officials, principals, teachers and students.

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