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Anbumani urges the police to support ganja criminals and take action

Police to assist absconding criminals in ganja cases The Tamil Nadu government should take action against the officials PMK. President Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss emphasized.

In this regard, he said in a statement issued today;

Chennai He smuggled ganja in Tiruvallikeni area 2013, 2019 In the years, Basal, who was caught red-handed, was acquitted by the Special Anti-Narcotics Trafficking Court on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence.

Basel accused in the case, Even though he was arrested with ganja, the police themselves disrupted the investigation, The judge also alleged that the police were responsible for his release. This action of the police is condemnable.

Both times when Basel was arrested, kilos of ganja were seized from him.

But, Even its samples were not filed in court. The first seizure was cannabis 2015 and was swept away by the flood, Second seizure of cannabis, The police also claimed that he went missing while the police station was being shifted.

In cases of cannabis 6 In violation of the rule that charges should be filed within months, In the first case 5 Even after years, In the second case 14 Months later, the charge sheet has been filed. It is because of such blunders by the police that the accused has been released.

Such blunders cannot be said to be the only case in Basel. Kannappan, who retired as police chief, has said on many occasions that the police made such mistakes in drug trafficking cases, including mostly ganja.

Also for drug traffickers, This shows that there is collusion between some of the police force. This alliance must be broken.

The movement of drugs, including ganja, has emerged as a major problem in Tamil Nadu. Even as the police conducted several rounds of raids to crack down on the ganja trade, The reason for the lack of success is the alliance between the ganja dealers and some in the police. The police are honest, We can’t stop the cannabis business unless we act boldly.

Action should be taken against the police officers who were responsible for the escape of the accused in the ganja smuggling case. A special officer at the level of district superintendent should be appointed to monitor the investigations of ganja smuggling cases. The Tamil Nadu government should take action to end the cannabis business in Tamil Nadu by taking drastic measures. Thus that Anbumani Ramadoss said in the report.