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A forward-thinking young generation is needed to move forward with the new economy

23Thu Sagala Ratnayake, Senior Adviser to the President on National Security and Head of the Presidential Task Force, said that a forward-thinking youth community is essential to move forward with the economy.

He mentioned the above while speaking as a special guest on the second day of the sixth session of the Fifth Youth Parliament of Sri Lanka.

Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Hareen Fernando, Chairman and Director General of National Youth Services Council Pasindu Gunaratne were the special guests of the first day session in this event held at the Presidential Secretariat Auditorium on 08th and 09th June.

Sagala Ratnayake, Senior Adviser to the President on National Security and Chief of the Presidential Task Force, was the special guest on the second day of the session. Also, Secretary of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs K. Mahesan, President and Director General of National Youth Services Council, Pasindu Gunaratne were also present.

Pointing out the need for a sustainable economic policy to build a sustainable economy in the country, the proposed Economic Transformation Bill and the modernization of Sri Lanka’s National Youth Policy were discussed in the session.

A forward-thinking young generation is needed to move forward with the new economy-oneindia news

62 members participated in the first day session and 79 members participated in the second day session representing all members of the Youth Parliament.

Senior Adviser to the President Sagala Ratnayake, who answered the questions raised by the young members of Parliament, also participated in the event where the members were awarded certificates for their outstanding participation in the Youth Parliament.

Speaking on the occasion, he said, ‘In today’s session, youth policy and Economic Transformation Act were discussed in detail. The President is committed to building a new economy in the country for the future of the youth. The last new economic system we saw in this country was the open economic policy that started in 1978/79. After that, though revisions were made in the economic policies, a completely new economic system was not introduced to the country. As a result, we as a country have not been able to grow rapidly in the face of competition.

And our economy is heavily affected by political influences. Our young children’s mindset is affected. In moving a new economy forward, the progressive thinking of the youth must be developed along with it. If children’s education, knowledge and training are not developed, no matter how many economic reforms are brought, it will not be beneficial.

The President also points this out every time. We need to train our children now for the new economy we are moving into. You have to prepare your mind for it. Regressive thoughts and old thoughts must be changed. Good things should be carried forward. Let go of the weak. Also, the new plan should only take the good things and leave the weak ones. Therefore, it should be mentioned here that the government is committed to bringing new laws and working towards the development of the youth,’ he said.

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