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Attention parents..! Free education in private schools… Apply from today…

RTE : Students can apply from today for admission in private schools with 25 percent reservation as per the fee fixed by the government.

Right to Education Act (RTE – Right to Education Act) was brought by the central government on August 4, 2009, with the aim of ensuring that all children in our country, who have education as a basic right, should get free education without any discrimination, be it public or private. This Act was implemented in Tamil Nadu in 2013.

Under this Act, children belonging to poor families will be admitted free of any tuition fees in private schools between the ages of 6 to 14 years (Class 1 to 8) in Tamil Nadu with 25 percent reservation. For this rteadmission.tnschools.gov.in Go to the website and register. The state government will provide the fees for this to the private schools.

Attention parents..!  Free education in private schools… Apply from today…-oneindia news

From today (April 22) to May 20, parents can apply for private school admission for their children. Once the parents have applied with the necessary documents, they will receive an SMS on their mobile number. Schools receive a large number of applications and eventually admit students by lottery or priority.

There are 1.10 lakh seats in about 8000 schools in Tamil Nadu through RTE admissions. According to the information, about 4.6 lakh students have been benefited so far.

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