Home லைஃப்ஸ்டைல் Ayurvedic Remedy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ayurvedic Remedy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. That is the body’s natural defense system, Autoimmune disease occurs when you can’t tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, This causes the body to mistakenly attack normal cells.

Rheumatoid joints, skin, Eyes, Lungs, Affects the heart and blood vessels. Ayurvedic experts say that it is a condition where a person’s immune system begins to attack the body’s tissues, Vikas Chawla said.


2014- The GATE study lists the following symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis:

* hot, Swollen joints

*Symmetric pattern of affected joints

*Fatigue, Occasional fever, Loss of energy

*Arthritis often affects wrist and finger joints

*Joint inflammation sometimes neck, shoulder, Elbows, Waist, knees, Affects joints in the ankles and feet.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the joints are severely damaged, This ultimately leads to its destruction and decay. Although there is no proper treatment for this, It can be treated well under good medication with adequate rest and regular exercise and occasional surgery.

Dairy products, Nuts, A healthy diet consisting of seeds and fish and fresh vegetables with adequate daily sunlight is recommended.

Ayurvedic Doctor Mihir Khatri, He also shares some natural remedies that people with rheumatoid arthritis can rely on.


Ayurvedic Remedy for Rheumatoid Arthritis-oneindia news

Take one spoon of fenugreek powder mixed with water after meals or soak one spoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water overnight. Chewing them with water in the morning will give you good results.

Ginger tea

About two cups of water 2.5 Mix gram or half spoon of sukuk powder. Boil it till it becomes one cup. Strain the water and drink it with a spoonful of castor oil.

By removing toxins from the intestines, It is best for pain with inflammation. Ginger, Reduces pain and inflammation. Clove oil helps against inflammation.

Drumstick soup

Ayurvedic Remedy for Rheumatoid Arthritis-oneindia news

Khadri shared that moringa is one of the best vegetables to relieve inflammation and pain.

It reduces inflammation from the body, Also improves kidney function. Drumsticks can be sliced ​​and boiled in water. Rock salt in it, Add black pepper. Crush it and drink it.

In addition, One should drink warm water throughout the day. It helps reduce inflammation, Also removes undigested food from the body. It makes one feel light and energetic. Dinner is light, It should be easy and quick to digest.

What to avoid?

According to the expert, tomato, Yogurt, Bakery products and tamarindTh Regular consumption of foods and excessively salty foods should be strictly avoided.

2020- National Center for Biotechnology Information Research, A few herbs exhibit strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities, It has been shown to contribute to the reduction of inflammation and tissue damage.