Death of President: Presidential election in Iran on June 28?

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Chennai: It has been reported that the presidential election will be held in Iran on June 28.

After the tragic death of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, it has been reported that the country’s 14th presidential election will be held on June 28. After the death of President Syed Ibrahim Raisi, Mohammad Mukhbar has been appointed as the interim President.

According to Article 131 of Iran’s constitution, if the president is unable to fulfill his duties, the first vice president will take over. It also obliges the interim president to make arrangements to elect a new president within 50 days, Xinhua news agency reported.

According to a source, candidates will be registered from May 30 to June 3, after which the candidates will have to campaign from June 12 to 27. Presidential elections in Iran are scheduled to be held in 2025. However, following the death of incumbent President Raisi, the election is set to be held earlier.