Do you do all these mistakes after eating? Then this post is for you..!

Do you do all these mistakes after eating?  Then this post is for you..!-oneindia news

After eating food to avoid– In this article you can see which foods should be avoided immediately after eating.

Eating is what we all love. But some people add some food items immediately after eating. They even keep it as a habit and it has many side effects. Find out about it here.


Avoid eating fruits immediately after eating. Because fruits are easily digested but food takes 3-4 hours to digest. In this condition, eating fruits immediately after eating will cause indigestion.

It slows down digestion and causes flatulence, sluggishness, etc. Also, fruits have a naturally sweet taste that increases blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is better to take fruits on an empty stomach half an hour before meals or in the morning.


Avoid drinking water immediately after eating. Because as soon as we eat, stomach acids are secreted to digest the food. When we drink water, the pH value of that acid changes. So drink water only half an hour after eating.


Avoid taking bath immediately after eating. Because the blood flow in the stomach area is high to digest the food eaten. In this state, we take a bath but the temperature drops and the body becomes cold, thereby reducing the blood flow to the digestive organs.

Tea, coffee;

Avoid drinking tea and coffee immediately after eating. Because it is acidic. Tea contains tannic acid which inhibits the intestinal absorption of dietary iron by 87%, thus causing anemia.


Some people have the habit of smoking immediately after eating.This should be avoided completely because it is usually ten times more harmful than smoking. And the nicotine it contains can cause lung cancer and lung cancer.


Avoid lying down immediately after eating. Because it causes heartburn, belching, belching, acidity etc. One hour after eating should go to bed.


Exercise should be avoided immediately after eating, because the blood flow to the arm areas is more and the blood flow to the stomach area is less. This slows down the digestion of food. Also avoid doing strenuous work.

Try to stop any of these habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

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