Do you have a lot of lizards in your house? So follow all these tips..!


Lizard– Here are some tips to completely repel lizards from your home.

Many of us fear lizards more than snakes. Due to this, it falls into the cooking food and causes many mishaps. Here are some easy tips to get rid of these lizards that can become unwelcome guests in our homes.

Lizard Repellent Home Tips;

  • Eggshells should be placed where lizards roam a lot. The school doesn’t like this smell.
  • Cut the onion into small pieces and keep it where the lizards are.
  • If you take the juice of onion and garlic and sprinkle it where there are many lizards, the lizards will not come. Also, onion and garlic have the ability to repel negative energy in the house.
  • Peppermint mixed with water can also be used to repel lizards. Naphthalene balls can also be placed in corners so that insects such as cockroaches and lizards are not disturbed.
  • Coffee powder and chili powder or nose powder or pepper powder any of these should be mixed with coffee powder and made into balls and placed on the brains. The smell of this coffee powder and nasal powder completely repels lizards.
  • If you mix lemon juice and half spoon of vinegar and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil in water and spray it on the place where lizards are, the lizards will run away. Also, if you mix these together while cleaning the house, no insects or lizards will disturb you.

Always keep the house and kitchen clean and dust free. Cracks in doors and walls should also be repaired to keep lizards away from your home permanently.

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