Do you know which milk is best for the body?

Do you know which milk is best for the body?-oneindia news

Milk– In this article, we will know about which milk is good for our body.

People all over the world use different types of milk, including goat milk, cow milk, buffalo milk, camel milk, donkey milk etc. Cow milk is the first and buffalo milk is the second.

In general, milk is rich in fat, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Cow Milk Vs Buffalo Milk;

Buffalo milk is more rich in protein and vitamins than cow’s milk and the milk is thicker. Cow milk has 67 calories but buffalo milk has 117 calories. So those who want to lose weight can take cow milk and those who want to gain weight can take buffalo milk.

goat’s milk;

Goat milk is used by only two percent people in our India. Goat milk is easily digestible as compared to cow milk. That means cow’s milk is digested in two hours while goat’s milk is digested in half an hour. The protein in cow’s milk can cause allergies in many people. But goat milk does not cause any allergy and lactose content is low.

Camel milk;

Camel milk is lower in fat than goat milk. It is more easily digested than goat’s milk. It is also low in lactose. Camel milk contains four times more vitamin C than cow’s milk.

It also keeps blood sugar levels under control in diabetic patients. It also increases immunity due to the presence of nutrients like lactoferrin and iminoglobin, but the price is a bit high.

donkey milk;

Donkey milk is important for skin health. Cleopatra is said to have bathed in donkey’s milk to maintain her beauty 3,000 years ago. Donkey milk is also used to make beauty products.

It is high in lactose. It also has three times less fat content than cow’s milk and is said to taste like breast milk, this milk does not cause any allergies but it is very expensive.

So cow’s milk especially domestic cow’s milk is best and next best is buffalo’s milk as it is easily available to us and less expensive.

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