High Qualities for Human Life – oneindias

Islam defines human life as dual. One is the life of this world called Immai. the other

Living close to God is the afterlife. Almighty Allah has advised that the Hereafter is the better of the two.

If one lives in this world with piety, virtues, high thoughts, and a spirit of helping others, he will get heaven in the hereafter. So a man should follow five important aspects to live a noble life.

One day the Prophet (PBUH) said this to his companions. ‘I will tell you some news, who will execute it? Or is there anyone who teaches the active person?’ When asked, the Prophet’s companion Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said, ‘I am Rasulullah’. Immediately the Prophet (PBUH) held his hand and mentioned five things.

They are as follows:-

1) If you stay away from what the Lord has forbidden and act with fear, you can become a great worshipper.

The major sins are associating with God, drinking alcohol, usury, robbery, adultery, witchcraft and murder. All these are forbidden by God. No such great sin should be committed. In addition, the duties of prayer, fasting, zakat, and Hajj should be performed in due order.

Instead he does all good things. If he also commits sins, he is also guilty. All good deeds done by man should be deterrents from sinful deeds. When a man acts to maintain both of these, he is considered more pious.

2) One should have the character of accepting with satisfaction what the Lord has distributed. He is the most affluent. God provides whatever a man needs in his respective periods. He will not make any mistake in it.

Superior characteristics are not fully delivered simultaneously. For example, if a man lives for 90 years, if he is given food and drinking water from birth to death at the same time, he will be stunned without eating or drinking. Apart from that, he becomes lazy and his health deteriorates. We should have faith that the Lord who provides food for the life within the stone will never abandon us.

At the same time, you should not be paralyzed at home. Don’t think that the giver will cover the roof and give. Work is also required from us, accepting what is available through it, and following the saying that the mind of enough is the golden medicine, one will be considered to be very well-off.

3) ‘Be kind to your neighbours’. Only then can one truly become a believer. Imam Ghazali (RA) has said that if one should treat one’s neighbor with kindness, then one should treat one’s own.

4) He should like others what he likes for himself. Only then can one become a complete worshipper. It is the nature of man to give what he dislikes to someone else. But the Prophet (PBUH) did not say that. Instead, he should give what he likes to others. Only then is there benefit. It is Shari’ah law that even spoiled food should not be fed to other creatures.

5) Don’t laugh too much’. If you laugh like that, your heart will die. That means maintaining neutrality even in happy times. Laughing too much will kill the soul from accepting good things. Laughing too much can also be dangerous.

If every man observes these five things, then he is truly a superior gentleman. We will also try for that.