How many seats are increasing in Engineering Counselling? College wise details are here

Counseling for engineering students admission has started in Tamil Nadu. After this the seat details of the colleges have been published on the official website of Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission. In this situation, how many seats are available in which colleges? Let’s see now.

Consultation for Anna University Affiliated Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu has started. First, the consultation for special categories is going on. After this, the general section consultation will begin.

Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu has published the seat details of engineering admission colleges on the website

In this situation, education consultant Ashwin in which colleges how many seats have increased? He explained this in his YouTube video.

Accordingly, Anna University’s Guindy College of Engineering has increased by 27 seats to a total of 987 seats. At the same time, seats have not been increased in colleges including MIT Campus, SSN, School of Architecture and Planning, PSG, Karaikudi Sikri.
Chennai Institute of Technology has increased the maximum number of seats by 476 seats to a total of 1074 seats.

PSG Hi-Tech College has increased by 70 seats and has a total of 353 seats. Seats are not increased in CIT College, Coimbatore. Thiagarajar College has increased by 57 seats and has a total of 774 seats.

Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology has increased by 124 seats to a total of 1067 seats. In Kumaraguru College, 34 seats have been increased and the total number of seats is 919. Sri Ishwar College has increased by 159 seats making the total number of seats 654. Seats have not been increased in ACTech Campus of RMK and Anna University.

Watch the video below to know the college wise increase.