In a night party with a male friend under the influence of alcohol.. The relationship exceeded the limits.. The smiling actress is in trouble..

There is no need to tell you why the night party is happening in the cinema nowadays. You know very well that a casual party is a commodity.

So guess what happens in this night party. It is normal for young actresses to participate in such parties, but there is an actress who is married and living with her husband with a child, who is called Night Patty.

Night parties with boyfriend..

Apart from that, things are now starting to smoke that the married smiling actress is getting intimate with a boyfriend and her husband is a bit uncomfortable.

She was an actress who had no shortage of controversies when she came to act in the screen world, and after she acted with Warisu actor in the first film, she was talked about in association with that actor.

After this, the actor’s father, who was alert, put conditions on his son that he should not act with the actress anymore, and after acting with another actor, the chemistry of the two of them in the film worked out.

In this case, even though there were rumors that these two are going to get married soon, the actor who acted with her fell in love with someone else and got married and now he is the father of two children.

Liquor abuse relationship..

Ever since she started acting on screen, the actress loves night parties. In this case, there have been a lot of opinions that it was through this night party that he got the film opportunity.

After this, the actress, who was reclusive after getting married, once again made a habit of going to night parties, and since her husband is also an actor, he is struggling to control his wife now that there are no film opportunities.

Apart from that, is this a problem for him to hear about the actress who goes to night parties and goes out of her way to drink with her boyfriend? He said that this is normal in cinema.

Smiley actress in trouble..

And her husband is upset by the act of this actress who is not seeing her husband and not talking about her boyfriend.

Not only that, but because the actress’ actions have gone beyond control, can we get divorced? Now there are reports that he is in the mood to announce his divorce soon.

After this, the matter has become a hot topic and is spreading all over the internet, so the fans who understand who the actress is.. Are they? Besides asking such a question, they are also in severe shock.