India that attacked Maldives.. what.. did we come to you and beg you.. “look and talk”..

Maldives has antagonized India, a close ally, for closer ties with China. India’s assistance to Maldives in the past is incalculable. India was the first country to come to Maldives for any problem or need. But the country has started to distance itself from India since the pro-China stance of Mohammed Muisu took office as the President of the Maldives last year.

A crack in the relationship!

India understood why Maldives was leaving it and left it on its way. It is in this context that some of the Maldivian Ministers took to social media to mock our Prime Minister Narendra Modi in order to anger India. Apart from that, Maldivian authorities also expelled Indian soldiers from their country. Maldives government allows Chinese spy ship to dock near India

India was the first to come!

But despite all this, two months ago when there was a severe food shortage in the Maldives, it was the first to come and relax all export restrictions and send tons of foodstuffs and grains like rice and wheat by ship. Similarly, India provided 50 million dollars (Rs. 417 crore) to Maldives, which was stuck in a severe economic crisis. Maldives’ sudden friend, China, was only amused.

Maldives that flew and begged!

The Maldives, which was outraged by India’s assistance, apologized to India. The ministers of our country have made a big mistake by teasing Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Also, Maldives Tourism Minister Ibrahim Faisal appealed to Indians to visit the Maldives without thinking about anything, saying that their country’s economy depends on Indians.

India request for Maldives?

With the situation going like this, the Minister of Commerce of Maldives, Mohamed Saeed, issued an announcement two days ago. He said that India is making serious efforts to conclude a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Maldives and India is negotiating with them in this regard. Moreover, Maldives Minister Mohammad Saeed proudly said that they are considering India’s request.

India hit the spur!

This speech of the Maldives minister surprised the Asian countries. They wondered why India, a major economy, should try to enter into a free trade agreement with a small country like the Maldives. In this context, India has made a bold statement on this matter. Regarding this, Indian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said today, “India has not made any request to Maldives regarding making a free trade agreement with Maldives or any other matter. India has no need for it. Perhaps, if Maldives has such a need and the country requests us about it, then we will discuss the agreement.” India will consider,” said Randhir Jaiswal.