Home இலங்கை செய்திகள் Sri Lanka to develop wind power stations in Mannar and Pooneryn

Sri Lanka to develop wind power stations in Mannar and Pooneryn

The cabinet of ministers has granted its consent for the development of 484 MegaWatt wind power stations in Mannar and Pooneryn, the Government Information Department said today.

Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted in March 2022 to enter into a memorandum of understanding with M/s Adani Green Energy Limited of India to develop wind power stations in Mannar and Poonerin.

Accordingly, a negotiation committee has been appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers in order to evaluate the project proposal furnished by the said Company.

Based on the recommendations of that Committee, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution forwarded by the Minister of Power and Energy to accept the last price as 8.26 cents per KW for the electricity generated under the proposed project. and to award this tender to M/s Adani Green Energy SL Limited for a period of 20 years.