Tag: வழிபாடு


Do you know when is the holy Vishnupati period that will boost your economy?

Vishnupati holy period– Specials of Vishnupati Punnya period can also be seen in this article about the date of this year. What is the holy...

When is Akshay Trithi in 2024? Know all this before buying gold.

Akshay Trithiya 2024-Let's know the merits of Akshaya Trithiiya and when is the date for this year. Akshay Trithiya 2024: This year it starts at 4.17...

Know the benefits of Chitra Poornami worship which removes mental worries.!

Chitra Poornami 2024-In this article you will find the features and rituals of Chitra Poornami. Chitra Poornami: Poornami means fullness. And that is Chitra Poornami, the...