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The husband who saved his wife: Will the father-in-law get caught by the son-in-law? Today in Zee Tamil serial!

Seenu and Maya’s marriage.. Kishore’s decision, Raghuram’s warning

Sandhya Ragam In yesterday’s episode of the serial, Kishore told about Maya’s love and that he was going to get married while Raghuram said that there is no place for love marriage in this house., Meet Raghuram Maya and you can have a love marriage and live freely. But you have no place in this house, He says I can’t help you in this matter.

I thought you were the girl of this house. You have to prove it. But he says that if you don’t get married for love, you should go out of the house like Sandhya. Sharu will ask for a wicket from father Lingath.. Maya is not going to leave this house., So she is happy saying that she can push Raghuram with Eeziya. Following this, Maya suspects that the boy she is in love with is Seenu.

Kishor hides the fact that Maya is in love with Seenu in order to get everyone in the house including Manivannan to talk to Kishore. After that he takes Maya to the temple and gives a shock that you and Seenu will get married. In this situation, expectations have been raised as to what will happen next.

Manokari who feels the Hindu spirit.. what will he do next in shock?

I thought you came. In yesterday’s episode of this serial, Sudar’s father came home today, Sudar asks sister to come soon to tell her that the hospital warden, where Sudar’s father was Indu, is coming to meet her. After that, Hindu spends time with the children who are playing without their knowledge.

At this time Manokari comes and sits beside the flame and looks at Manokari as if Hindu is sitting there. After that, Manokari comes out scared and tells the matter to Ms. Ms. There is a preacher I know, She says she will make arrangements to bring him home.

The preacher also comes home the next day. But he is a fake preacher who steals things from the house. In this situation, expectations have been raised as to what will happen next.

Isakki Pota Drama.. Soundarapandi is trapped, Shanmugam rushes to save Parani

Today, Selvam kidnapped Pharani in yesterday’s episode of Anna serial, Shanmukha and others wander in search of Parani. But Soundarapandi, who did not find anything happy about this, was looking for her daughter to tell her to feed him., She asks if you want food.

Immediately Soundarabandi says that I know where the girl is in her mind and makes a note of this to laugh., Then call Shanmukha, brother, I am suspicious about Soundarabandi uncle, She says that he is not worried at all that we will see the girl.

After this, Soundarabandi is shocked and laments that the corpse of Pharani is floating at the end of the day. AKS takes Muthupandi alone and tells him to call Annachi. Then Shivabalan watches this from hiding to inquire about Bharani and find out that she is safe.

She informs Shanmukha that Shivpalan will tell the truth to Isaki. On the other hand, Selvam gives Pharani juice laced with anesthesia, she refuses to drink it and shouts Shanmugam, Shanmugam makes an entry and AKS beats Annachi and Selva and saves Bharani. In such a situation, expectations have been raised as to what will happen next.