Today Rasi Palan : 17 August 2024 – Today Rasi Palan

Today Rasi Palan : 17 August 2024 – Today Rasi Palan

Today Horoscope Today’s Horoscope (August 17, 2024 Saturday) Lord Moon is going to travel in Puradam, Uthiradam Nakshatra in Sagittarius. Today is the day of death yoga. Be careful today as Taurus has moon phase throughout today.

Today Rasi Palan : 17 August 2024 – Today Rasi Palan

\Today’s horoscope is August 17, 2024, Kurothi year Awani 1, Saturday, Moon transits in Sagittarius. Rohini in Taurus and those belonging to Mrigaseerish have Chandrashtamam. Let’s know today’s horoscope results for 12 zodiac signs from Aries to Pisces.

Aries zodiac sign result

For Aries lovers, the environment around you will be pleasant today. There may be differences of opinion with the mother. The arrival of guests in your home today will increase happiness. The journeys you undertake today require extra care. Family relations will improve. It is better to postpone the matter related to new business and contracts for two days.

Taurus sign result

Love life will be blissful for Taurus lovers today. You may face some problems in the family. You will get good support from your partner. You will make efforts to expand the business. Act only after verifying documents in case of property. You will spend more to meet the daily needs of the house.

Gemini sign result

Gemini lovers will get a chance to spend quality time with friends today. Problems related to property will be resolved. Today your speech and action need extra attention. Your finances will be strengthened. You will discuss important matters in business.

Cancer sign result

For Cancer lovers, you will try to finish all the house work quickly today. You will try to spend time with family. You will benefit from government related schemes. You will get full profit in business. Children’s health is likely to suffer.

Leo zodiac sign result

For Leo lovers, your popularity in social work will increase today. The circle of friends will expand. Concerns about marriage of co-borns will be solved today. Business trips are beneficial. Causing unnecessary disputes with neighbours. A day to control your speech. Legal matters require attention.

Virgo sign fruit

Virgo lovers will spend a little more money on home repairs and decorations today. You will enjoy talking with family members today. New energy will be born in love life. There will be new opportunities in politics. You will enjoy spending time with friends. Your workload will increase today.

Libra zodiac sign result

Libra lovers have progress in business today. Social circle will increase. Number of friends will increase. Today you will have to deal with enemies. Efforts related to property purchase will be favourable. You will get good news regarding your children’s marriage.

Scorpio zodiac sign result

Activity of family members today will increase happiness for Scorpio lovers. Father’s advice is beneficial in matters related to family business. Your finances will be strong. Care should be taken in matters related to giving and buying money. Your relationship needs attention today.

Sagittarius zodiac sign result

Sagittarius lovers will get good news through their children today. Disagreements with spouse will be resolved. Parents need to be concerned about their health. You will get profit from your investments today. You will participate enthusiastically in spiritual matters. You need to be careful about your health.

Capricorn zodiac sign result

For Capricorn lovers, the officials will have extra work load in the office today. You will find it difficult to spare time for family today. Extra caution is required when using a vehicle. Good luck for those who are trying to get married. Students will get some good news regarding studies. Friends will come forward to help.

Aquarius zodiac sign result

Aquarius lovers today has a chance to complete your old pending work. You will get involved in a new project with enthusiasm. Today you will get increased monetary benefits. Your money stuck with others is likely to be recovered. You will enjoy fulfilling the needs of family members.

Pisces zodiac result

For Pisces lovers, your relationship will be strengthened today. Plan and act properly to avoid loss in business. There will be unnecessary grief in the family. The physical condition of the father needs attention. Take care of your health. A day to avoid outside food.