Ttf Vasan Bail, Ttf Vasan Bail… Judge orders to give affidavit! – Madurai court granted bail to youtuber ttf vasan

Ttf Vasan Bail, Ttf Vasan Bail... Judge orders to give affidavit!  - Madurai court granted bail to youtuber ttf vasan-oneindia newsCourt bans YouTuber TTF Vasan from riding for 10 years in bike accident case Due to this now TDF Vasan is using his LLR license to travel to different areas in his car. He is recording it as a video while driving the car.

Case against TTF Vasan

On the 15th at 7.50 pm, the Annanagar Police registered a case against TTF Vasan under 6 Sections on the complaint filed by Madurai Social Media Division Monitoring Officer Manibharathi that he was driving a car TN 40 AD 1101 in Vandiyur Tollgate area in a careless and careless manner while talking on a cell phone in a way that endangers the lives of the public. they did.

TTF Wasan arrested
Later, last night, TTF Vasan was arrested from Chennai and brought to Madurai Annanagar Police Station for investigation.

After this, the charge of driving a vehicle with the intention of causing death to others was changed to 7 sections under Section 308.

medical examination
Following a medical examination at Madurai Government Rajaji Hospital, TTF Vasan was escorted by police from Annanagar Police Station to be produced before the Madurai District Court.

Case investigation
The case was heard before Judge Subbuletsumi in Madurai District 6 Criminal Court. When TDF Wasan’s defense counsel argued.

No individual was affected by DDF smell, no complaint was filed, no policeman noticed the violation while traveling from Chennai? On 15th they watched the video and registered a case. DDF did not file any complaint as Vasan was driving the car, this case was registered in the police complaint, Vasan did not affect the public and Vasan has back pain and can go out wearing glasses on 4th. So they argued that bail should be granted.

Bilateral argument
When the public prosecutor argued. Vasan continues to engage in such activities. His driving license has already been revoked. He has written in the Brahmanapatram that he will not do any kind of adventure in any kind of vehicle. He said that he has violated it, so action should be taken.

Following this, the case was adjourned at 2:40 pm and TTF Vasan was produced in the court when it came back for hearing.

TDF Vasan’s side: We apologize, TDF Vasan is living a changed life, a growing person DDF Vasan also argued that he has taken an advance of Rs 25 lakhs to act in the film.

Prosecution Argument: TTF Wasan YouTuber is followed by millions. Everyone is likely to be spoiled by seeing him.

Vaasan’s argument: Actor Rajini smokes cigarettes in cinema. So everything goes bad.?

False case
Following this, when the judge questioned Vasan, why are you going so fast?
I was not speeding and they falsely accused me. TDF Vasan said that in the absence of his father, he studied amid great difficulty.

Bail to TTF Vasan
Following this, the judge canceled Section 308 and ordered TTF Vasan to be granted bail. Further, the judge ordered him to give a letter of assurance that he will not engage in such activities any more and will not act in a way that may harm the public. Vasan also said that he will post a video saying that he will not engage in such activities again.

Judge Subbulakshmi granted conditional bail and ordered him to sign at the Madurai Annanagar Police Station at 10 am every day for 10 days and cooperate with the police investigation whenever the TTF Vasan police call him.