Want a good night’s sleep? Get an expert-approved foot massage like this

A good night’s sleep is critical to overall well-being. But some people may struggle to sleep well. There could be many reasons for that. The best way to relax before bed is to stay away from electronic gadgets. But there is also a yoga pose that can help you sleep better.

Yoga practitioner Juhi Kapoor shares some tips. If you have trouble sleeping, this will help you.

When you put your feet in the butterfly position, it gives a pleasant sensation to your entire body. This pose allows you to release any tension stored in different parts of your body.

How to do Butterfly Pose:

*Sit with your spine straight and legs spread straight.

*Then slowly bend your knees and bring your feet towards your hips.

Following this, you can gently massage your feet.

Massaging your feet while in the butterfly legs position is a great form of self-care. It allows you to feel relaxed and sleep well.

How to massage:

*Sit in butterfly position.

*Massage the feet with your hands, finding the areas causing pain or soreness.

*You can also use your elbows if you want to go deeper into your tissues.

According to Ayurveda, applying oil or ghee while massaging your feet is considered a powerful practice for deep sleep, noted Kapoor.

When to practice?

Make this a part of your daily nighttime routine to sleep like a baby and wake up refreshed every day.

According to Kapoor, not only sleep, but massaging your feet helps “enhance forward-bending yoga postures.”