Home ஆரோக்கியம் 4 simple asanas to do for people with arthritis pain… the pain...

4 simple asanas to do for people with arthritis pain… the pain will fly away!

Gouty arthritis, which used to be restricted to the elderly in ancient times, today affects people of all ages. If you have arthritis, you will have to do even the daily tasks with difficulty.

Arthritis due to aging, joint wear and tear, excess body weight, genetics, nutritional deficiency, immune deficiency etc. can be warded off by doing some yoga exercises. Check out 7 safe and gentle yoga poses to relieve joint pain.

That’s face svanasana

Sit on the floor in a squatting position, bend towards the floor and extend your arms straight. Now lift your hips up and straighten your abdomen so that your abdomen touches your thighs. The knees should touch the floor. Let the face and chest face the floor.

Take a deep breath in and out. Do this asana for 10 seconds and return to normal position.
It strengthens the knees, wrists and ankle joints. Increases blood flow to the brain and improves its function.


Kneel down and keep both the front of the ankle and the bottom of the knee flat on the floor. Then keep both the big toes touching. Now, slowly lean forward with both arms extended and touch the floor.

The forehead should touch the floor. In this position, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Remain in this position for 30 seconds. This asana should be done early in the morning on an empty stomach. It helps to increase flexibility in the ankle and shoulder


Stand on the floor with both feet together. Then raise both the hands above the head and keep them as if doing Namaskar. In this position, inhale slowly and lift the heels slightly.

Hold the raised heels for 5 seconds and exhale as you lower the heels and return to normal position. Repeat this exercise 3 times. This increases blood flow in the body. Ankles and legs get stronger.


In Savasana, the body is lying at rest without any movement. First, lie down on the floor and keep your legs straight and relaxed. Close your eyes and breathe as usual.

All parts of the body should be light. Focus the mind instead of letting the attention wander. Stay in this position for 15-20 minutes. Then, back to normal. It calms the mind and rejuvenates both body and mind. Blood flow is regular.