Home மருத்துவம் Pregnancy test at home.. Which product and how to use.. Complete explanation..!

Pregnancy test at home.. Which product and how to use.. Complete explanation..!

Saline pregnancy test

Salt is a simple ingredient in the kitchen. You can do a pregnancy test at home with salt.

what to do

Take the urine sample collected in the morning in a clean glass jar and mix well with a pinch of salt. Wait up to three minutes.

Confirmation of pregnancy

​If pregnant White clumps will form in the creamy mixture from the reaction.

No pregnancy

If no reaction occurs between the urine and the salt then there is no pregnancy.

Sugar that detects pregnancy

Yes, you can take a pregnancy test with sugar. Like salt, sugar is said to be a simple experiment.

what to do

Collect a urine sample and add a teaspoon of sugar.

Confirmation of pregnancy

Add sugar to the bowl first and then pour the urine sample. The hCG acid in the urine keeps the sugar from dissolving easily. If sugar lumps appear in the urine, it means pregnancy.

No pregnancy

If the sugar dissolves easily in the urine, it means that you are not pregnant.

Dandelion Leaves to detect pregnancy

Since the period was late in the pregnancy test, instead of buying a kit from the pharmacy, you can try this Dandelion Leaves extract with wild radish. It is also proven to give accurate results. This test can be used if you have a chive plant at home.

what to do

Zucchini radish leaves – as required
Collected in the morning – urine
Plastic sheet

Confirmation of pregnancy

Place the wild radish leaves on a plastic sheet. The leaf should not be placed in direct sunlight. Pour the urine sample over the leaves and wait for 10 minutes. If the leaves are red-brown or blistered then you are definitely pregnant.

No pregnancy

If there is no change in the leaves then there is no pregnancy.

Urine test to detect pregnancy

Urine can confirm pregnancy. A glass tumbler is enough for this.

what to do

Collect the morning urine in a glass jar and keep it for 24 hours. Pregnancy is confirmed if a thin layer or film forms on the surface of the stored sample.

No pregnancy

If there is no layer and film in the urine then it is not pregnant.

Wheat test to detect pregnancy

Wheat is a staple grain at home. This can be used to test for pregnancy.

what to do

Place 5 grains of wheat in the urine sample in a clean bowl.

Confirmation of pregnancy

They germinate faster in urine than in water. If so, then pregnancy is confirmed.

No pregnancy

If the seeds are intact then there is no pregnancy. You can also use barley grain as a substitute for wheat. These also tend to germinate faster if pregnant.

Wine pregnancy test

Wine can detect pregnancy.

what to do

Add the urine collected in the morning to a bowl and pour it with an equal amount of wine.

Confirmation of pregnancy

A change in color of both wine and urine indicates pregnancy.

No pregnancy

If there is no change in the color of the wine, then it can be said that it is not pregnant.

Can you detect pregnancy with soap?

An easy and quick test can be done with soap. Any brand of soap can ensure pregnancy with it.

what to do

Place the soap in the bowl and pour two tablespoons of the collected urine over it.

Confirmation of pregnancy

Pregnancy if soap reacts with water to form bubbles and foam. These can be confusing because soap naturally lathers.

No pregnancy

If the soap does not react with the urine then there is no pregnancy.

Tetol test to detect pregnancy

Tetal is one of the most commonly used household disinfectants. A pregnancy test can be done with this.

what to do

Mix three teaspoons of urine with one teaspoon of Detal. It should be in 1:3 ratio. Then wait for 5-7 minutes.

Confirmation of pregnancy

If Tetol separates from urine and forms another layer, pregnancy is confirmed

No pregnancy

If the urine and testicles mix and the two do not separate, there is no pregnancy.

Vinegar pregnancy test

Vinegar has proven to be a useful ingredient in DIY pregnancy tests. You can use white vinegar for this.

what to do

Mix both the urine sample collected in the morning and the vinegar in a clean glass bowl.

Confirmation of pregnancy

If you are pregnant there will be a change in the color of the solution.

No pregnancy

If there is no change in the color of the solution then you are not pregnant.

When is home pregnancy test useful?

​Pregnancy test When done at home, first thing in the morning urine should be tested. Urine has high HCG levels so testing it will give accurate results.

A clean container should be used when collecting the urine sample. Low urine output may result in false results.
Wait for the reaction to occur while testing. It may take up to 10 minutes.

You can try again to get accurate results.