An opportunity for kpy Bala in ‘Kanchana 4’ with an alliance in public service.? What did he say?

Kanchana 4 : Kpy Bala, who is doing public works along with Raghava Lawrence, was questioned about playing the main character in the movie ‘Kanchana’ 4, and gave a nice reply.

Bala, who made his debut on the small screen with the comedy show Shalka Povattu Yaaru, gained fame as kpy Bala through this show. Later, he impressed the fans with the show Kook Viyah Komali and now he has started acting on the silver screen as well.

Whether it’s a show hosted by Bala or a show she’s a part of, it’s safe to say there’s no dearth of laughs. Thus, Bala is not only an actor but also a social activist. Even from the small income he earns, he spends half of it to help the poor.

In that line, he has provided free ambulance facility, recently he has set up a drinking water treatment plant at his own expense to a village that is suffering from lack of good drinking water and continues to provide many assistances. By the way, now, Master Raghava is doing great favors by joining hands with Lawrence.

Recently, Bala was a special guest at the inauguration of a hotel and spoke to the press. Then, which character are you playing in the fourth part of Kanjana? asked the reporter.

Bala replied, “Kanchana 4 is Lawrence Anna’s film, Anna has to say that, I don’t know about that sir.” And when asked if he would be a ghost in the film, if possible, buy a ticket to the theater and watch ‘Kanchana 4’ first.” replied. Also, many people talk about the help they have done. I don’t care about that. I will keep doing it better.

Earlier, Kanchana 4 announcements were all rumours. It is noteworthy that Raghava Lawrence said through his X site that the official announcement will be made by Raghavendra Production as soon as possible.