Armstrong’s brother is gone.. so don’t dream of ruling Madras.. Pa. Ranjith’s speech

Chennai: Tamil Nadu Bahujan Samaj Party leader condemns assassination of Armstrong, film director B. A grand rally was held today under the leadership of Ranjith. Speaking in this, Pa. Ranjith said, “You may have defeated Armstrong brother. But for that no one can rule Madras over us.” Ranjith said.

Bahujan Samaj state president Armstrong was hacked to death by raiders on the 5th. The killing of the leader of the National Party in the middle of the road sent shockwaves beyond Tamil Nadu and the entire country. Meanwhile, 11 people were initially arrested in the Armstrong case. After that, officials from DMK, AIADMK and BJP parties were arrested one after the other.

Meanwhile, film director B. Ranjit accused him publicly. He also said that majority of Dalit people vote for DMK, but DMK treats the problems of Dalit people as second class. He had also announced that a massive rally would be held on July 20 to condemn Armstrong’s murder.

In that way, this evening in Chennai Egmore Director Pa. More than 2 thousand people gathered and held a rally under the leadership of Ranjith. Speaking after the rally, Armstrong said:

This crowd was not for me, it was for Armstrong. No one can pay money to convene this meeting. No one comes here for money. Some people in the media are saying that we are holding this rally to blame the DMK. This is not a rally against the government. This is a rally to convince the government that justice should be done for Armstrong’s murder.

Some scoundrels are writing Armstrong as a rowdy on social media. Armstrong was a voice against authority. Armstrong was a man who refused to bow to the naysayers. If so, would you call it rowdy? So we are also raiders. Don’t let the Armstrong assassination get you over your head. We will not rest until the real culprits behind Armstrong’s murder are arrested.

There were many intrigues behind Armstrong’s murder. As far as Chennai is concerned, nothing will happen beyond Armstrong. Nobody can do anything. Chennai alone has 40 percent Dalit population. But we are apolitical. One day we too will become politicians. Then the time will come when you will hear what we have to say.

Why is it that Chennai Mayor Priya and Minister Kayalvizhi Selvaraj, who belong to the Dalit community, are not speaking out about Armstrong’s murder? Are you not vocal because you are in DMK? Don’t forget that you have become mayor and minister because of reservation. When are the MLAs and MPs from the Dalit community going to raise their voice for this? If you can’t be vocal, resign and walk away.

We are not slaves to anyone. We have no fear. Let us strive without fear. Armstrong wants to build a bell tower in Chennai. You can’t rule Madras just because we beat Armstrong. Madras is ours. No one can rule Madras despite us. Ranjith spoke.