CSR Top 500 companies by cost likely to get intern ‘allotment’ – Finance Secretary Interview

Under the employment package announced in the 2024-25 budget, the government plans to talk to the top 500 companies and mutually agree on a “voluntary quota system” for taking on interns.

The “allocation system” is the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of these companies (CSR) Finance Secretary TV Somanathan told The Indian Express that it will be based on expenditure.

In consultation with industry Then other details Conclusion will be done. CSR Based on cost, Some form of mutually agreed upon voluntary quota system (voluntary quota system) We might have. their, We will also allow the supply chain to be leveraged for efficiency, Somanathan said.

edgeIn the situation The government is keen to ensure that those who are available can take advantage of this internship program.

We do not provide companies with the people they normally hire, whyNil They don’t hire anyway going nWe don’t want to subsidize burs. We will also have a negative list.

For example IIT, IIM, Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, Income tax payers, Parents as Government Servants Those who are present will not come in this. For people who are out of normal recruitment channelsCrow This is to be want As we like, objective criteria By Interns will be selected.

This is the general idea, But we are During execution Let’s confirm it further. This will involve design challenges, And we’d be open to suggestions on how to do it better.

These are the best 500 Since companies, AHis Reputation To be saved need, So internship quality will be good, Somanathan said.

It was Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s idea to involve the private sector in the capacity building of projects under this package, sources involved in the development of the scheme said.ThN.

The idea to involve the private sector in skilling programs came from the Prime Minister, And that the private sector should play an efficient role in these projects, He was convinced based on his experience that the government alone cannot do it‘, said an official who did not wish to be named.

on tuesday National Democratic Alliance Filed by Govt 2024-25 In the Union Budget for the year, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman2 He announced the Prime Minister’s package for employment and talent worth Rs.

They are business environments, Various industries and job opportunitiesin 12 monthwill be trained in. Training allowance per month Rs.5,000 and one time assistance of Rs.6,000 Will be given. Companies are theirs CSR Training expenses from funds, Internship expenses 10 It is also expected to accept the percentagesaid Nirmala Sitharaman.