Discussion on Iranimadu Water Sharing – oneindias

A discussion regarding Iranimadu water distribution was held today (05) in the audience hall of the Ministry of Water Supply and Garden Infrastructure Development with Iranimadu Kamakkara organizations and members of parliament and intellectuals.

In connection with the above matter, today’s date has been arranged as requested by the Members of Parliament in the meeting of the Jaffna District Coordination Committee on 16.02.2024.

During this, Minister Jeevan Thondaman clarified the measures to reach a decisive decision so that the people of Jaffna district and Kilinochchi district do not face any problems related to Iranimadu water distribution.

Especially during this period, as a result of the finalized new modern studies related to Iranimadu water distribution, civil organizations, agricultural organizations, National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Asian Development Bank, UN Water Management, Jaffna University, Neerpasa Dinikalam, and UN Food and Agriculture Organizations have received the decisive research report within the next 6 months. The minister said that decisive results will be reached later.

Jaffa in this discussion. Siritharan, Member of District Parliament and President of Thasil National Federation, Members of Parliament, Angajan Ramanathan, Darlingam Siddharthan, Secretary Nabeel, Head of Water Supply and Drainage Organization, General Manager, government officials, Kilinochchi district farmers and public were also present.