Do you have dandruff from your head.. Use one of 6 oils to get rid of dandruff..!

Hair growth is excellent if you keep your hair clean. Dandruff is caused by environment, nutritional deficiency, lack of proper care. Dandruff is the number one cause of hair loss. Correcting these dandruff problems is the first step in hair cleansing. Here we can know about the essential oils that help in that.

Causes of dandruff problem?

Dry scalp is the main cause of dandruff. Apart from that, dandruff also occurs when dirt and dust settles on the scalp. Also dry the head thoroughly after bathing. Dandruff can occur due to fungal infection even if the scalp is wet without washing. In addition, even if the head is not kept clean, dandruff occurs. Here are some essential oils that can help get rid of dandruff.

Peppermint oil helps to get rid of dandruff!

Mint, which we use in daily cooking, has various benefits. Oils made using peppermint have properties that promote blood circulation in the scalp. It is also said that people with thin hair can get hair density by using it. The properties in mint help prevent scalp dryness. It is also a great remedy to get rid of dandruff problem.

Lavender oil that removes dandruff!

Currently, there are oils made using lavender available in the market. For this we don’t necessarily have to make it at home. Buy good quality lavender oil and use it. This lavender oil helps in preventing hair loss. And the anti-inflammatory properties in lavender oil protect the hair from fungal infections like dandruff.

Eucalyptus oil for dandruff!

Eucalyptus oil is one of the popular oils sold in hilly regions. It also provides relief from hair loss and dandruff problems. It acts as a natural antiseptic and cures fungal problems like dandruff. You can get relief from dandruff problem by buying and using quality eucalyptus oil sold in the markets. It can also protect the hair.

Lemon grass oil helps to cure dandruff!

Lemongrass oil, which is rich in vitamin C, has various properties that can cure dandruff. Studies have found it to be the best remedy for dandruff. This lemongrass oil is rich in anti-fungal properties. So this oil can be used to kill the fungus that causes dandruff.

Rosemary oil that cures dandruff!

Rosemary oil is one of the most popular oils in the market today. Because its benefits are said to be the best solution. People suffering from excessive hair fall can get permanent solution from using rosemary oil. It stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. Also, its anti-fungal properties help in curing problems like dandruff.

Tea tree oil helps with dandruff!

Many of the oils we use have anti-fungal properties. Especially tea tree oil. Tea tree oil helps to treat dandruff-causing fungi and scalp infections. Its anti-bacterial properties help in getting relief from dandruff problem. Massage using this oil at least twice a week will give you the best solution.

How to use essential oils?

Essential oils help in repairing the dryness of the scalp and provide relief from the problem of dandruff. Any of the above mentioned oils should be mixed with carrier oil and massaged well on the scalp twice or thrice a week. Let it soak for at least 20 minutes to 30 minutes and then wash your head with clean water. Using shampoos that are less chemical can lead to better results. Also, if you have allergic symptoms while using such oils, avoid using them. A good scalp massage can improve blood circulation and relieve problems like dandruff and hair loss.