Excavation work at the bottom of Sivaganga… Evidence of water management found!

Tamil Nadu Government Department of Archaeology

The fourth phase of the first excavation work is being carried out on behalf of Tamil Nadu Government Archeology Department in Sivagangai district Geezadai and this year they are carrying out the tenth phase of excavation work.
Lower Urban Civilization
Further, archaeological evidence has established the existence of urban civilization in Keezhadi, and the Tamil Nadu Department of Archeology has demonstrated through organic analysis chronology that Tamil society became a literate society in the sixth century BC. It was published as a book and made known to the world.


Also, urban civilization has various components, and the area of ​​habitats includes various people living together, literacy, brick making, industries, water management, trade, highways, fine arts, etc.

Evidence of water management

Evidence of urban civilization has been confirmed by archaeological finds in Geezadi, and various evidences of improved water management have been found in Geezadi, open drains, brick-built closed drains, coiled pipes, cylindrical pipes and various numbers of manure wells have been found.

Contemporary Tamil society

These were built for various uses and help to understand the excellence of water management by the Sangam Tamil community. Today, underground excavations have revealed drains with cylindrical pipes made of clay, very neatly fitted together.
The length of the flint text

The length and width of a flint text are 36 cm and 18 cm respectively, but the currently discovered drain is found to be about 174 cm long. Continuity in this drainage tube extends into the next cavity,

Tamil Nadu Govt

It is noted that the work of the Tamil Nadu Government Archeology Department is being carried out under the direction of the Chief Minister Mukastal to make the culture and antiquity of Tamil known to the world.