Home உலகம் Extreme Headphone Usage..! 40 crore people have hearing loss!!

Extreme Headphone Usage..! 40 crore people have hearing loss!!

WHO: The World Health Organization currently has some information on hearing loss A shocking report has been released.

We never knew that the headphones we use to listen to music are putting our ears at risk. Even if we know it, we listen to the songs with high volume without realizing it. Due to this, our hearing is affected beyond a certain point and our ability to hear is completely disabled.

According to the World Health Organization, 40 million people worldwide have hearing loss. It is said that only 20 percent of them have hearing aids and the rest are being treated for their effects. That means 217 million people are affected by hearing loss. This is about 21.52 percent of the world’s population, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

It is expected that this number will gradually increase to 322 million by 2050. Hearing loss like this has a long-term impact on the lives of victims and their families, N says. Moreover, it has been found that more than 21 crores and 80 lakhs are spent worldwide for its treatment alone.

Moreover, it is predicted that in the next 30 years, one of the affected people may have a new type of ear damage and it may even affect our future generations. We need to set an example for future generations by understanding the impact of the headphones we use for our entertainment and using them less.

So, it is enough if we spend less time while using mobile phones and headphones with less noise. Most importantly, we protect our children by not giving them such headphones and even if they use them unknowingly, we take care of them.