Eyesight is blurry during pregnancy.. for whom.. when will it get better..?

Another problem among the many symptoms that women face during pregnancy is a change in eyesight. Hormonal changes occur in the body during pregnancy. Among the unpleasant symptoms caused by it is the change in the eyesight. But many do not realize this. Most problems are common. are temporary. Vision should return to normal after the baby is born. However, some pregnancy-related problems may require medical attention. Here are the issues to be aware of.

Eye sight problem due to diabetes

High blood sugar levels associated with diabetes can affect the body’s organs. In this case, they can damage the small blood vessels that supply the retina. These effects may increase as the pregnancy progresses. Sometimes gestational diabetes can cause blurred vision.

What to do for diabetic eye problems in pregnant women?

Pregnant women with pre-diabetes should be extra careful during pregnancy. Making sure blood sugar levels are not too high if you have gestational diabetes can prevent eye damage.

Pregnant women may experience dry eyes

Don’t panic if you notice that your eyes are drier than usual. It is also common in pregnancy. Wearing contact lenses while pregnant can further irritate the eyes.

What to do with dry eyes?

Always keep the eyes moist. Thus it can be easily protected from drought. Artificial tears can also be used. Contact lens wearers should consult their doctor before using it. Some artificial tears can be harmful to contact lenses. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor if a pregnant woman is using artificial tears for dryness.

Blurry vision for pregnant women

Blurry vision is a condition caused by fluid retention in pregnant women. It can change the thickness and shape of the cornea. This can lead to distorted vision.However, this may resolve spontaneously after delivery and cessation of breastfeeding. Very, very rarely, this blurred vision may require treatment in very few people.

What to do for blurred vision during pregnancy?

If the blurred vision is not bothering you, do nothing. A general medical examination can reveal it. If you wear glasses you may need to change this at this time. Most ophthalmologists do not allow eye surgery and fitting of new contacts at this time. They advise that the eyes will return to normal after pregnancy.

Preeclampsia visual changes

These vision changes can be a serious problem if the pregnant woman has high blood pressure followed by preeclampsia. It may be marked by symptoms of high blood pressure and another organ damage. In this case, immediate treatment is required without neglect

What are preeclampsia vision changes?

Pregnant women should consult a doctor immediately if they experience symptoms such as temporary vision loss, light sensitivity, blurred vision, flashing lights or spotting. Because preeclampsia can progress rapidly and cause bleeding and other serious problems.