Magnesium is a basic nutrient required for various body functions. When it decreases in the body it can cause not only physical problems but also mental health related problems.
Weakness in muscles
The first symptom of magnesium deficiency in the body is muscle weakness.
Problems such as severe pain in the muscles, muscle spasms and sprains are common.
Stress increases
We tend to think that stress is caused by things outside of us (external causes). But stress can also be caused by problems in our body.
Thus, when magnesium deficiency occurs in the body, depression increases. It causes a lot of blockage in the senses. So problems like depression and anxiety increase.
Acidity problem
The mineral magnesium is essential for the smooth functioning of the digestive system.
When the amount of magnesium decreases in the body, the digestive power decreases and acidity, acidity exposure, sour belching, indigestion occur. This makes the body more weak.
Bone problem
Calcium isn’t the only thing that’s important for strong bones. Magnesium is also essential.
When magnesium deficiency occurs, it directly affects the muscles first and then the bones. Magnesium deficiency weakens bones and makes them more prone to fractures. Osteoporosis problems will increase due to this.
Today, lack of sleep is causing many problems like obesity, uncontrolled diabetes and heart disease risks.
But magnesium deficiency is a major cause of insomnia. It disrupts the sleep cycle by disrupting the sleep cycle and thereby creating stress and anxiety.
Sweet Graving
Many of us are struggling to somehow control our sweet cravings. But one of the causes of that craving is magnesium deficiency.
When magnesium deficiency is high, there is a tendency to eat more sweet foods. It causes weight gain and diabetes.