Information that 1,552 postal votes were rejected in Vellore Lok Sabha constituency!

Information that 1,552 postal votes were rejected in Vellore Lok Sabha constituency!-oneindia news

In the Lok Sabha elections held on April 19, 1,552 postal votes were rejected in the Vellore Lok Sabha constituency.

Parliamentary elections were held in Vellore Lok Sabha constituency on April 19. Out of this, 11.20 lakh voters cast their votes through electronic voting machines. In this, 8,485 people including government employees and officials engaged in election work have cast postal votes. Counting of votes was held at Government College of Engineering, Vellore. Out of the 3 rounds of postal voting, 7385 votes were deemed valid. In this, 1,100 postal votes were declared invalid mainly in 6 assembly constituencies

Election Division officials said, ‘Forms for postal votes are not properly filled. 1552 postal ballots were rejected due to various reasons, including voting for more than one candidate and improper affixing of postal ballot envelopes. It is noteworthy that during the 2019 parliamentary elections, 2,045 postal votes were rejected.