Minister Vijayadas also announced that he will enter the election field

Justice Minister and Presidential Counsel Vijayadasa Rajapaksa has announced that he will contest the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Justice Minister Vijayadasa Rajapaksa mentioned this while addressing a special media conference today (25).

Commenting on this, he said,

He mentioned that we should strive to achieve an honest country, a free tomorrow, a green country, a new path and he is ready to be a pioneer in leading it.

As mentioned in the Pali verse ‘Save Munisa Praja’ mentioned in the letter of Tem established by Emperor Ashoka of India, the ruler of the country respects the idea of ​​caring for his countrymen like children and expects your blessings for his efforts to make it a reality.

He mentioned here that the 2024 presidential election will be a turning point that will decide the future destiny of all of us and your vote will be the determining factor for the stability or destruction of the motherland.

We are all in a sad situation today because you have left the right to decide your destiny to the politicians. He said that if you want the world to change, no one else can do it except you, and he mentioned that he is running as a candidate in this presidential election for the success of the Sri Lankan government and the Sri Lankan nation.

Meanwhile, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka had also announced that he would contest the upcoming presidential election this morning (25).