Nellai Jayakumar Death Case Investigation, Nellai Jayakumar Death Case… Intensive investigation continues for 2nd day!

Nellai Jayakumar Death Case Investigation, Nellai Jayakumar Death Case... Intensive investigation continues for 2nd day!-oneindia news

The CBCID police are investigating the case of the mysterious death of Jayakumar, who was the Nellai East District Congress President. Jayakumar was found half-burnt in his native Karaisuthuputur estate on May 4.


Therefore, the CBCID police conducted a continuous investigation in the Karaisuthuputur estate. Further investigation is going on with the family including Jayakumar’s wife and sons.

Case investigation

CBCID SP Mutharasi visited Nellie a few weeks ago and inspected the Karaisuthuputhur estate and consulted on the investigation of the case. At the same time, even after the case was transferred to CBCID, the background of Jayakumar’s death remains a big mystery.

Serious investigation

In this case, CBCID ATGP Venkatraman, IG Anbu and SP Mutharasi came to Nella on the same day yesterday. They conducted intensive investigation for about two and a half hours at Karaisuthuputur estate.

Consultation with authorities

For the second day in a row today, the top officials of the CBC, including the IG, are camping in Nellai and consulting with the investigating officer of the Jayakumar case, Ulgalarani and other officials.

Death Note Letter

In this case, the CBCID police have called the former panchayat council president Anandaraja, who is the first person in the death confession letter written by Jayakumar, for questioning again today.

Ananda Raja

Anandaraja has already given his explanation in letter about his relationship with Jayakumar when he was interrogated in Valliyur a few days ago. On the basis of that letter, Anandaraja is being interrogated again today at the Balayankot CBCID office.

Continued investigation

In the Jeyakumar case, while the top officials are camping in Nella, the ongoing investigation of the person who was included in the letter through the death warrant has created a stir.

CBCI investigation intensity I

t is said that further investigation will be conducted with the Congress officials including KV Thangabalu mentioned in the letter. Therefore the CBCI investigation in the Jayakumar case has intensified.