No need to operate the clutch manually.. Honda introducing new bikes with E-clutch technology!

Do bikes with E-clutch technology not have a clutch lever?

Bikes with E-clutch technology have the same clutch lever as we normally use on bikes. But, we can use it only if we need it.

That means there is a clutch, using which we can change the gear, or else we can change the gear without using it. There will be no difference between the two. The engine will have manual shifting facility and electric shifting facility. The vehicle behaves according to what we use it for.

When the use of clutch is required on a bike with E-clutch technology:

No need. In bikes with E-clutch technology we don’t need to use the clutch manually. But traditionally some people like to ride bikes using clutch. Honda has given a clutch lever for that.

But, when we operate the clutch manually, the E-clutch technology does not work. That is, if we hold the clutch lever, the E-clutch technology automatically turns off. After letting go of the clutch lever again, the E-clutch technology kicks in within seconds.

Usually when we start the bike we hold the clutch and turn it on. Bikes with this technology don’t need to hold the clutch while switching on.

How is this different from QuickShifter?

Now comes a question. What is the difference between QuickShifter and this E-Clutch technology? Quickshift can only be used to change gears. The use of clutch is necessary while starting the bike and slowing down the bike. But we don’t need to use the clutch even when decelerating the bike which has this E-clutch technology. The bike’s electronic control system takes care of that function.

Will this technology feature on cheaper bikes?

Currently, Honda CBR650R and CB650R, the two bikes that have introduced this E-clutch technology, are going to be sold in the US at a slightly higher price of around Rs 8 lakh than the Indian price. It seems that implementing this technology on the bike will cost extra.

It is an amenity fully catered to the bike rider’s luxury. So, it seems that Honda will not bring this technology to the cheaper bikes for now.