Red card for actor Vishal? Producers Association Action!

The producers’ union, which has taken action related to the money embezzlement issue, has announced that it has banned the production of films with Vishal and has caused a shock in the Tamil cinema community.

Actor Vishal, who has given many hits in Tamil cinema, has been facing severe criticism from time to time due to his speech and actions. Especially since before the release of his recently released film Ratnam, Vishal’s every action has been heavily criticized.

Meanwhile, Vishal, who is the General Secretary of the Actors Association, was the President of the Producers Association. It has been accused of irresponsible handling of Producers Guild funds. It is said that a loss of Rs 12 crore was incurred when Vishala was the president while the producer association has set up a separate committee to investigate the matter.

While it was said that Vishal should give an answer regarding this loss, due to the fact that no response has been received from his side so far, the Producers Association has issued a notice imposing restrictions on new films starring Vishal. According to the report, the film work should be started only after consultation with the producers’ association, which is producing a film starring Vishal.

Due to this statement by the producer association, the new films starring Vishal have been affected, and it is being said in the Tamil cinema circles that the producer association has imposed a red card on Vishal.

Meanwhile, actor Vishal, who has explained the allegation of the producer association, said that the deposit fund of the producer association was used for the medical insurance and pension of the association members with the permission of the executive committee and administrators. He said that only after passing a resolution in the executive committee and signing with the association administrators that the deposit can be used, the expenditure was spent on the welfare schemes.